Party Methods
This is an Unofficial and fan-made project. Please refrain from seeking support from Riot or Valorant.
This API endpoint is used to retrieve details of a party player associated with a specific user.
C# |
| Task<PartyPlayer?> FetchPartyPlayerAsync(string userId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<PartyPlayer?> (PartyPlayer Record) |
A record class of the PartyPlayer data. |
This API endpoint is used to retrieve details of a party using the party ID.
C# |
| Task<Party?> FetchPartyAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to retrieve custom game configuration details.
C# |
| Task<CustomGameConfig?> FetchCustomGameConfigAsync()
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
None |
N/A |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<CustomGameConfig?> (CustomGameConfig Record) |
A record class of the CustomGameConfig data. |
This API endpoint is used to retrieve a chat token for a specific party.
C# |
| Task<PartyChatToken?> FetchPartyChatTokenAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<PartyChatToken?> (PartyChatToken Record) |
A record class of the PartyChatToken data. |
This API endpoint is used to retrieve a voice token for a specific party.
C# |
| Task<PartyVoiceToken?> FetchPartyVoiceTokenAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<PartyVoiceToken?> (PartyVoiceToken Record) |
A record class of the PartyVoiceToken data. |
This API endpoint is used to set the ready status for a member in a party.
C# |
| Task<PartySetReady?> SetPartyReadyAsync(string partyId, string userId, bool ready)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
bool (Ready Status) |
true |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<PartySetReady?> (PartySetReady Record) |
A record class of the PartySetReady data. |
This API endpoint is used to refresh the competitive tier for a member in a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> RefreshCompetitveTierAsync(string partyId, string userId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to refresh the player identity for a member in a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> RefreshPlayerIdentityAsync(string partyId, string userId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to refresh pings for a member in a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> RefreshPingsAsync(string partyId, string userId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to change the queue for a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> ChangeQueueAsync(string partyId, QueueId queueId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
QueueId (QueueId Enum) |
Competitive |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to start a custom game for a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> StartCustomGameeAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to make a party enter the matchmaking queue.
C# |
| Task<Party?> EnterQueueAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to make a party leave the matchmaking queue.
C# |
| Task<Party?> LeaveQueueAsync(string partyId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to set the open status of a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> SetPartyOpenStatusAsync(string partyId, PartyState state)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
PartyState (PartyState Enum) |
Open |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to set custom game settings for a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> SetCustomGameSettingsAsync(string partyId, CustomGameSettings gameSettings)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
CustomGameSettings (CustomGameSettings Object) |
CustomGameSettings Record |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to invite a player to a party.
C# |
| Task<Party?> InvitePlayerAsync(string partyId, string name, string tagLine)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Party ID) |
e45fae2d-89b1-42a8-9d9a-cd69f0e522d7 |
string (Player Name) |
JohnDoe |
string (Player Tagline) |
1234 |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task<Party?> (Party Record) |
A record class of the Party data. |
This API endpoint is used to kick a player from a party.
C# |
| Task KickFromPartyAsync(string userId)
Method Parameter Type |
Method Parameter Example |
string (Riot PUUID) |
92018bd1-df7e-5dad-9e7b-f7358f9312fa |
Event Return Type |
Example Return Value |
Task |
Returns a task indicating the completion of the operation. |